What does it mean to be a Catholic man? How does a man protect, provide for, and lead his parish and family? This is a call to battle for all Catholic men. Will you answer the call?
"And I sought for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the breach before me for the Lord." ~ Ezekiel 22:30
Meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of the Month, 6:30-8:30 PM. Open to all men!
Email jim.debilzan@gmail.com to be added to the email list.
The next meeting of the Catholic Watchmen will be on Tuesday, February 18, at 6:30 PM in the Lower Church, following the Rosary at 6:00 PM. All men and their sons are welcome to attend. Our speaker will be Andy Norton with his topic, "Praying with the People in your Life." Dinner will be a Soup buffet including St. Jerome's build your own burger, beans, coleslaw, chips, snacks, desserts and beverages. All men including their sons/grandsons are invited and encouraged to attend.
Contact Jim DeBilzan at 651-503-8043 for further details
Please check out the video below of our August 18th, 2020, Catholic Watchmen Blessed Solanus Casey Pilgrimage. The video and pictures were taken by Brother Pascal and Brother Didacus of the Franciscan Brothers of Peace.