As promised, my intent is to begin sending more regular communication as we navigate these ever-changing waters as related to Coronavirus (COVID-19) in our
Archdiocese. As ever, I encourage prayers and patience, as we do our best to determine what serving all of our parishioners means in a primarily off-site, virtual format.
Updates to Parish Office and Church Hours At this time, the Parish Office will be open and staffed by the minimum number of personnel from 8:30 AM to Noon Monday through Friday, until further notice, to follow the
CDC and
MDH’s best practices on social distancing and gatherings of fewer than 10 people. The church building also will be open from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM Monday through Saturday.
Online Giving We of course continue to have operating expenses, so we’ve devised three ways you can continue to give your weekly collection offerings--or more, if you’re so inclined! As a parish, we rely on your generosity to fund the staff and resources necessary to support our growing digital ministry. We also recognize this is a time of great upheaval, both economically and spiritually. My ask is that, after prayerful consideration, you give what you can.
Give online through Vanco: The process is quick and easy to set up, secure, and can be suspended at any time. Click here to get started.
Mail your contribution to the Parish Office: 380 Little Canada Road, Little Canada, MN 55117
Drop check or cash off in the secure lock box at Parish Office (to be installed this week in the vestibule between the front doors of the Parish Office).
Looking for Other Ways To Give? The first and best way to give during this time is remotely: Consider increased prayer, or if you know of parishioners who might benefit from a meal-delivery, consider purchasing gift cards or credits for those in need.
DoorDash and
Instacart are just a couple of options that work with local food purveyors, and it’s a way to support those in the food industry who are being economically hit hard right now.
We would happily take donations of any one or two extra cleaning supplies anyone might have: disinfectant wipes or spray are especially needed. We will collect these in the Parish Office during the updated Office Hours, and if those are inconvenient, consider leaving them in the vestibule just inside the first office door.
This Weekend’s Mass Music Live on Website In a bit of a virtual experiment, and as yet another way to make holy our Lord’s Day in this period of Mass suspension and dispensation, Director of Liturgy and Music Ryan Chimzar has graciously recorded what was planned as Saint John’s Liturgical music for all of this weekend’s Masses. These can be found on our website on the same page as the Word on Fire daily Mass and readings; look to the lower left. If this experiment proves fruitful, we will entertain more ways to continue to bring Saint John’s music to your ears in the days and weeks to come, wherever you might be.
Click here to listen.
Spiritual Guidance from the Archdiocese Archbishop Hebda and Bishop Cozzens are urging all Catholic school students, their families, teachers, and the entire community to join them in praying daily the
Litany in Time of Need, also found on our website.This litany will be carried daily on Relevant Radio around 11:05 AM each day. Please tune in and join Saint John’s students and the rest of the Archdiocese, on AM 1330 or at You can also pray this Litany at any time of the day.
As ever, please know that I continue to offer daily Mass for our parish and each of you, as well as the predetermined Mass intentions. Together, through our Lord and prayer, we shall weather this unprecedented time.