The year 2020 has been like no other. Many of us have experienced fear, uncertainty and loss in unprecedented ways. At the same time, while not dismissing the difficulties, many have experienced unprecedented positives, too. Your witness to the gifts and mini-miracles of this past year--our COVID Silver Linings, if you will--might do more than you can even imagine to lift the spirits of those among us who've deeply struggled during this time.
So please send us your Silver Linings! We'll publish a few of them (anonymously) in a future bulletin or e-newsletter, and every one of them will be offered up in Thanksgiving by Father Tom at our Vigil Mass on December 31. Please send all Silver Linings to Laura Haraldson at [email protected], or drop them (marked "Silver Linings: ATTN Laura" ) in the collection basket or dropbox at the Parish Office.