On the eve of Archbishop Hebda’s historic synodal letter, I’m excited to bring you news of the capping of another year here at Saint John’s and the path forward as we endeavor to always grow in faith and communion with Christ. In my Pentecostal letter last June, I referenced the Synod and early indications from the Archbishop suggest each one of us will be called upon to share our God-given gifts to advance the Catholic Christian faith in ways we might not be accustomed to. Our shepherd, Archbishop Hebda, will share his vision and plan on November 20, the Feast of Christ the King, that launches us into the new liturgical year, the start of Advent. I am pleased our Saint John’s updates are as timely as they are relevant.
Enclosed are our annual Stewardship pledge forms, giving everyone an opportunity to pray, reflect and discern where we might provide our time, talent and treasure in 2023. I personally invite you to prayerfully and intentionally consider new ways to give and allow the Spirit to move you this season. Additionally, please take a moment to fill out your family household data for our records.
Also enclosed is our annual Parish Financial Summary. The statement does not include a Capital Campaign update. In early 2023 I will send a letter that will address the conclusion of our capital campaign, Strengthened in Faith. We won’t reflect on that here but highlights of the 2021–2022 fiscal year reflected in our Parish Summary include the start of several capital improvements’ projects. As many of you are aware, this past summer has been busy with replacement of the school roof, tuckpointing of all campus buildings and church roof repair, to name a few.
As reflected in our parish annual report, our overall parish support increased by almost $30,000 this past fiscal year. However, due to deferred maintenance expenses and additional staffing needs, we finished the fiscal year with a net loss of $125,455. It’s important to acknowledge that giving was slightly below budget for fiscal year 2022 (which ran July 2021 through June 2022). We continue to work on streamlining our operations and trimming expenses, focusing on a plan for the next three-to-five years. Our finances remain a focal point of our attention as we recognize the fragile nature of our economy and our responsibility as good stewards of the parish.
Our school continues to grow and we are grateful to principal Dan Hurley and our excellent school staff. Enrollment is 255 students Pre-K through eighth grade this year, an increase of 13 percent over last year. We have so much to be grateful for: Together we have increased enrollment and student retention each of the past three years; raised needed dollars for our school through the annual marathon and gala; excelled academically; and added new programs (Wilson Learning systems, Believe and Read, PBIS, extracurriculars and STEM, to name a few).
Opportunities to join in school and parish unity continue to arise and are highlighted in our parish events calendar. The fall festival held on September 24 was a striking success, with a packed house despite the dreary weather. Also, the first in our speaker series for Discipleship Sunday was attended by 95 members of our school and parish community last month. I personally thank all parishioners, parents, families and students who attended these events.
I encourage you to consider attending Discipleship Sunday events on November 27 and January 22 (a precursor to Catholic Schools Week), Men’s Club Turkey Bingo on November 20, Ste. Anne’s Nativity Luncheon on December 4 and our Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Wis., on December 10. (Registration is extended! Visit www.sjolc.org/pilgrimage ASAP.) Also be sure to save the date of April 21, 2023, for the school’s annual gala.
As we enter a new Advent, my friends, we have much to anticipate along with our reflection of Christ’s coming into the world at Christmastime. Thank you for your prayerful discernment of the enclosed documents and opportunities, as well as all areas of parish life in which you take part. I am always eager to hear from you (651-484-2708, [email protected]). Please pray for me, as I continue to pray for you, as we enter this blessed season.