Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
On Friday of this week, Archbishop Hebda sent a letter to all of the priests of the Archdiocese. In it, he thanked us for our ongoing ministry during the pandemic and for our commitment to following the COVID-19 safety protocols instituted by the Archdiocese and public health officials.
Due to the surge in cases – including deaths and hospitalizations – he has asked us to pause, postpone or move virtually, all of our non-sacramental activities between now and Christmas. Out of love for our sisters and brothers and the common good, parish leadership has decided to:
Pause all optional in-person activities:
Move to the virtual realm:
Continue as planned (all subject to change):
Most important, we will continue to celebrate the Mass both in-person and online. The dispensation from the Sunday Mass obligation continues, so if you are in an at-risk category (older than 65, have compromised health, etc.) you are encouraged to worship with us virtually. Live streaming of our 4:30 PM Saturday Masses can be found on Facebook, live at 4:30 and then that recording stays active throughout the weekend. Links can be found on our homepage.
Also, remember to stay home if you are not feeling well or if you are awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test. We believe these small sacrifices are vital to minimizing the spread of the virus and to keep our parish open for Mass, confessions, weddings and other sacraments. Archbishop Hebda recorded a video message for you, the faithful, as well. You may watch it here.
We continue to follow our COVID protocols, which can be found on our website (click here). Please feel free to contact any member of the parish staff and leadership team if you have any questions.
I pray you have a healthy and blessed Thanksgiving,
Father Tom Balluff, pastor