Click here for a Second Sunday of Advent reflection from Father Tom.
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
This weekend we celebrate the Feast of St. Nicholas of Myra, the original "Santa Claus." When I think of St. Nick, the word "generosity" immediately springs to mind. Bishop Nicholas, who originally lived in what is now Turkey during the third century, was born wealthy, and spent his entire life giving what he had to those more in need. He especially loved the little children. There are famous stories of him dropping coins in through open windows and even chimneys ... sound familiar? These days there are many among us who we might not even realize are in need in unprecedented ways. If we can give to charities, food shelves and even our own Saint John's initiatives (Giving Tree, the school, weekly collections, even new pledges to our capital campaign), let us do so with generosity, and offer it up asking for the intercession of this great saint. Even if you cannot give more this season, let us all be sure to take the example of Good St. Nick, and lead our interactions and conversations with love, empathy and patience this season.
As you might know, the Giving Tree is a tradition here at Saint John’s, where we come together as a faith community to support those in need. While this is always appreciated, with the various COVID-19 restrictions in society today, the need is even greater. Visit our website, and click on the Giving Tree banner. You can stop by the parish office or place a check in the weekly collection (please make checks payable to Saint John’s and clearly label your donation as Giving tree to one of the options above). If you have questions, please contact Deacon Eric Cooley, director of pastoral care, at 651-288-3268.
Thank you to the 50 or so of you who have already taken our Christmas Mass survey! As we prepare to maintain safe capacity limits during the holidays, we are asking each parishioner to fill out a quick online form, letting us know what Mass or Masses you plan to attend over Christmas. Please share this link with anyone you think might be attending our Christmas services; all are welcome! Click here to take our two-question survey. The sooner you do, the better we can accommodate every parishioner with our Mass offerings. (Our 4:30 Christmas Eve Mass is filling up fast.)
As a reminder, the Archbishop’s dispensation from Mass continues, and we will be live-streaming the 4:30 PM Christmas Eve and 8:30 AM Christmas morning Masses.
Additionally, we will have Drive-through Communion Distribution after the 4:30 PM Christmas Eve and 10:30 AM Christmas morning Masses, both in the Gathering Space circle.
Strengthened in Faith: Updates on our Capital CampaignAs we near the one-year anniversary of our Capital Campaign kickoff, we are so grateful for you. The people of Saint John’s have generously pledged nearly $1 million, and we already have received almost 50 percent. THANK YOU for your support! You might recall that, in September, we were able to pay off our mortgage. Monies will next be going to our rooftop air conditioner units and aging boiler, as well as stained glass window repair and school needs. We know the pandemic has changed our climate, but our personal experience is Saint John’s parishioners continue to be so open with their giving.
We know the pandemic has changed our ability to come together as we all would like, but our personal experience is Saint John’s parishioners continue to be so generous with their giving. Stay tuned as we continue to ramp up to the one-year anniversary of our capital campaign! COVID Calendar UpdatesPer the direction of the Archdiocese, all usual committee meetings scheduled for now through Christmas are moving to the virtual realm. Contact your group leader or parish liaison for links and information. Other updates: News from the ArchdioceseArchdiocesan Consecration to St. Joseph