Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We have so much to be grateful for this Mother's Day weekend! First, let's be sure to honor the amazing mothers, grandmothers and matrons in our lives. Of course this includes our Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary. Prayers to her are especially powerful this month.
We also know that the school's primary fundraiser, the Boots & Bling Auction, goes completely virtual, with online bidding beginning tomorrow, May 10. Please do what you can to participate, support and enjoy!
I am happy to announce that, under guidance from the Archdiocese, we will slowly be opening up Masses to small gatherings beginning after May 18th. The Archdiocese recommends maintaining only one-third of our capacity, and we are putting together a very specific plan as to how we will do this safely; the health of our most vulnerable is and must continue to be top of mind for all of us as we begin to gather again.
Keep in mind that the Archbishop's dispensation from weekly Mass continues throughout this pandemic, so those most at risk or in regular contact with them should stay at home. We will continue to live-stream our 4:30 PM Saturday Masses throughout this transition. More communication will be coming this week, and I ask for your diligence and patience while we maintain social distancing standards.
Read the latest letter from Archbishop Hebda by clicking here.
Due to the generous support of many donors, 60 percent of the $30,000 Fund-A-Need challenge match has been met so far! Check out this video from students at Saint John's School!
We have until Mother's Day, May 10 to achieve our goal. Will you help us? Simply click below to GIVE. We thank you for considering any gift!
What is Fund-A-Need, you might ask? We are thrilled to give 100 percent of the Fund-A-Need dollars raised directly to Tuition Assistance, which is the most critical and urgent need to our families at Saint John’s during these pandemic times, ensuring the continuation of excellent Catholic education.
PLUS: May 10th isn’t just Mother’s Day: It’s the day we launch our online bidding for the Boots & Bling auction. You can register and start peeking in at the auction tables today. Click here!
The staff and students at Saint John's School continue to keep you and your family in our prayers for health and peace.
Click here to donate to Fund-A-Need.
For those of you who had your photo taken as a part of our Pictorial Directory project last summer, we have exciting news! We received our directories around Easter, as planned, but due to the uncertainty of this time, we've been working on a safe way for you to get your complimentary copy. And here it is! Drive up to the Gathering Space circle between 1:00 and 4:00 PM Friday, May 15, or Saturday, May 16, and we will deliver a sanitized package with your directory in it, all without you having to leave the safety of your car. Thank you to all of you who participated in this initiative.
This Tuesday, our school celebrates Culver's Night at Culver's of Little Canada, and you can still participate, even while social distancing! Order pick-up or come to the drive-through at Culver's (2880 Rice Street) between 5:00 and 8:00 PM Tuesday, May 12, and 10 percent of the proceeds will go to Saint John's School. It's an easy way to support the school, and a very meaningful way to support our neighbors in the food industry during these challenging times.
Our director of pastoral ministry, Deacon Eric Cooley, makes a very generous offer in our bulletin this weekend. Following with Easter tradition, families have the opportunity to sign up for an individual home blessing. Simply contact Deacon to arrange a time. Additionally, with full permission of the Archdiocese, we've been granted the ability to provide Eucharist to the Faithful in our parish one time during this Easter season. If you have yet to take advantage of this generous blessing, please contact Deacon Eric Cooley or Father Tom Balluff to set up your private appointment.
Deacon Eric: 651-288-3268;
Father Tom: 651-288-3265;
We have an update on our youth summer programs: Steubenville has been canceled, but Totus Tuus and Extreme Faith Camp are still planned. All programs will be adjusted to accommodate sanitization best practices. Please check our website for updates, and reach out to Director of Faith Formation Joe Block with any questions.
Additionally, adult formation is taking two forms in these COVID-19 times: In person as well as online! Join this four-week course taught by Jeff Cavins, with special guest teacher Dr. Mary Healy. More than 1,000 activated disciples meet Tuesdays beginning in June; experience what it means to follow the Lord 24/7. Participants have the option to join in person, or via live-stream, for any or all of the lessons!
Tuesdays, June 2 – June 23
7–9 PM
St. Pius X, White Bear Lake
The cost for the course, materials (The Activated Disciple & The Activated Disciple 40-Day Challenge Journal), and follow-up seminar and social gathering is $125/person. Online registration:
For more information on either course, call 651-962-5072 or visit
Did you know that there are special considerations regarding the CARE Act for donors like you? Check out this article for more information about the new benefits.
And thank you for your continued giving to assist both our church and school with operational expenses. As you are able, there are three primary ways you can continue to give, even while we're are social distancing:
Thank you so much for your continued generosity.
Father Tom Balluff, pastor
(click here to pray the Rosary with me)