In late July we will be trying something new in regards to our parish offerings during pandemic. After the 4:30 PM and 10:30 AM Masses Saturday, July 25th and Sunday, July 26th, we will offer drive-up Communion Distribution in the circle outside the Gathering Space, for anyone still uncomfortable or unable to attend our weekend Masses.
At 5:45 PM Saturday and 11:45 AM Sunday, Father Tom will position himself for distribution of the Holy Eucharist outside the Gathering Space doors, where people can drive around the circle to receive Communion on their hands or in a pix, all without the leaving the safety of their own car.
Please follow
this procedure if you are considering receiving Holy Communion in this way:
1. Drive into the circle drive outside the Gathering Space in the main church parking lot, and park or let your car idol at the curb. If there is a long line, simply wait your turn in the car line, and pull forward as the cars process out of the circle.
2. Please
do not leave your car; Father will distribute Communion directly to your window(s). This is to be mindful and respectful of all others choosing to receive communion in this socially distant and more sanitized way.
**Do not worry if Father isn't immediately there; keep in mind he will just be concluding Sunday Mass, and will make his way out to the Gathering Space circle immediately after, where he will remain for about 15 minutes or until all cars have driven through, whichever takes longest. We ask that you sit patiently inside your car; keep it running with air conditioning, of course, as weather demands.
3. Father will approach your vehicle, at every window where a communicant is present, if so desired. Please receive Communion on your hands or in a pix.
4. Once you have received Holy Eucharist, please drive out of the circle to make room for the next cars in line. If you wish to stay in the lot and pray a brief prayer of Thanksgiving, feel free to do so.
5. If there are multiple cars, we ask that you snake through the circle drive in a counter-clockwise fashion. Enter the lot from the southern-most entrance, pull around the circle all the way to it's end or the next available spot behind the car in front of you. See the attached map for more guidance.
We want to try this once, then determine whether we can set up more regular Communion Distribution events that can continue throughout the pandemic. Stay tuned for more information!