As we prepare to maintain safe capacity limits during the holidays, we are asking each parishioner to fill out a quick online form, letting us know what Mass or Masses you plan to attend over Christmas. Please share this link with anyone you think might be attending our Christmas services; all are welcome! Click here to take our two-question survey.
Our Family Discipleship and Confirmation groups will be participating in a virtual retreat on Sunday, December 6. All parishioners are welcome to join in; please contact Joe Block in the Parish Office to receive materials and links.
Thanks to your generosity, we’ve raised more than $2,400 for our various organizations in need already this year. You still have until December 8 to contribute. As you might know, the Giving Tree is a tradition here at Saint John’s, where we come together as a faith community to support those in need. While this is always appreciated, with the various COVID-19 restrictions in society today, the need is even greater. Visit our website, and click on the Giving Tree banner. You can stop by the parish office or place a check in the weekly collection (please make checks payable to Saint John’s and clearly label your donation as Giving tree to one of the options above). If you have questions, please contact Deacon Eric Cooley, director of pastoral care, at 651-288-3268.
Per the direction of the Archdiocese, all usual committee meetings scheduled for now through Christmas are moving to the virtual realm. Contact your group leader or parish liaison for links and information. Other updates:
Nov. 29: Discipleship Sunday | Live Streamed, packet pick-ups available at Parish Office while supplies last
Dec. 6: Family Discipleship and Confirmation Retreat | Virtual Zoom Meeting
Dec. 8: 11:10 AM Parishioner School Mass (no Mass at 8:00 AM) | Church
Dec. 8: 6:00 PM Immaculate Conception Mass and Marian Consecration | Church and Live Streamed
Dec.12-13: Ste. Anne’s Bake Sale canceled
Dec. 13: 12:00 PM Baptisms | Live in Church
Dec. 13: 7:00 PM Communal Reconciliation | Live in Church
Dec. 15: 6:30 PM Catholic Watchmen Confession & Adoration | Live in Church
The Archdiocesan Day of Prayer and Fasting Against the Sin of Racism is this coming Wednesday, December 2. A prayer service will be held at 7:00 PM at the Cathedral of Saint Paul, and live streamed. Registration is required for the in-person service.
As part of the Synod, the Archdiocese is inaugurating a Year of Saint Joseph that will run from December 8, 2020, to December 8, 2021. Archbishop Hebda will consecrate the Archdiocese to Saint Joseph during the 7:00 PM Mass on Tuesday, December 8, at the Cathedral of Saint Paul. This Mass is also live streamed. More events will be advertised throughout the year.